Memorial High School
Home of the Mustangs 1952-1974


Memorial High was formed in 1952 by consolidating three local high schools, Highland, Waynesburg, and Kings Mountain. It was given the name Memorial in honor of the World war II veterans. In 1974 the county school system consolidate all the high schools in Lincoln County and closed Memorial along with all the other county high school. In the fall of 1974 Kings Mountain Elementary was moved to the Memorial High school Building and the school was renamed Kings Mountain Memorial Elementary. The building served the community as an Elementary school until it was closed in 2006.
Memorial had 3 principals from 1952-1974. Lester Mullins was the first and remained principal until 1958, Lawrence Hail took over from 1958 - 1960, Mr. Mullins returned in 1960 and stayed until 1970. Jack Blair a long time Ag. teacher became Principal in 1970 and stay until the school was closed in 1974.


MHS Facts In Memory of those to died in Viet Nam MHS Jackets



Memorial High School
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