school is a time when memories are made. People
grow close to one another. Graduation happens
and people may end up going their separate
ways. To get everyone back together for a
reunion may be tough due to life in general.
When that happens, it always can be a very
special time.
The reunion
of 2010
was just such a
special time.
were students from each graduating class along
with several teachers. Every where you went you
could hear some good stories about life at
Memorial High. Darrell and Larry Young, both
graduates , and their their band and played a
lot of good old rock and country music. Plans
were made to have another school wide reunion on the 3rd
weekend of May 2012.
School wide reunion is scheduled each year for the 3rd
Saturday in September at Greer Park in Kings
Mountain. This reunion is for anyone who
attended MHS during the 23 years (1952-1974)
that it existed as a high school. So put
this date on your calendar and be sure to